About 80% of antimicrobials are consumed in the community without the supervision of a duly qualified healthcare practitioner. This coupled with misconceptions that antibiotics are the strongest drugs available, ineffective infection prevention strategies and irresponsible health seeking behavior drive the incidence of antimicrobial resistance.
To tackle these issues, we believe that community engagement is key. Through this we are able to uncover gaps in knowledge and interventions that stimulate positive behavior change. We have instituted educational interventions to enlighten the public on adherence to prescribed antimicrobials, responsible health seeking behavior like not buying antimicrobials over the counter and informed self-medication, dispelling misconceptions on antibiotics, proper hygiene and sanitation and safer sex. These key messages are designed in such a way that they can be easily consumed by the lay public.
We are also rolling out projects to aid the communities in infection prevention control measures. Our first points of call are the urban informal settlements and rural areas in Kenya. The projects will involve rehabilitation of water sources, point use water provision and treatment, management of human waste and construction of drainage facilities.