Our Partners & Affiliates

Together We Can Provide Better Life to the World

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Support Our Cause

There is an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

We are very open to collaborations and strategic partnerships to bolster efforts channeled towards fighting Antimicrobial Resistance. We can only overcome the scourge of Antimicrobial Resistance through concerted actions.

If your organization would love to partner with us, please reach out for a conversation through; info.sasafrica@gmail.com

Our Partners & Affiliates

React Africa
ReAct Africa
React Group Africa
The Foundation to Prevent Antibiotic Resistance
The Foundation to Prevent Antibiotic Resistance
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
Stop Superbugs
Stop Superbugs
Ryculture Health and Social Innovation
Ryculture Health and Social Innovation
Planet Wizard Africa
Planet Wizard Africa
AMR Insights
AMR Insights

Your Support Means a Lot Us

Partnering with our organization allows you to make real changes. 

Broaden your reach and impact today.