Actions you can take to mitigate the spread of Antimicrobial Resistance


It is our last episode of the “Know Something About AMR” series.

It has been an incredible journey learning about Antimicrobial Resistance.

After learning, what can you do in your small way to avert the threat of Antimicrobial Resistance?

In this last episode of “Know Something about AMR,” we utilize the tiered approach developed by the Antibiotic Guardian initiative to guide you on how you can take action. The first tier, taking individual action, involves learning about Antimicrobial Resistance. The second tier involves spreading the word on Antimicrobial Resistance among family and friends. The third tier, action & advocacy, involves taking a step further and developing an intervention on Antimicrobial Resistance. This can include: creating awareness to a larger group of people, engaging in research, engaging in a community project, and developing technological interventions, among other ways.

To learn more, watch the video here:

Now that you know about Antimicrobial Resistance, it is time to act.

Visit the Antibiotic Guardian website and pledge to become an Antibiotic Guardian.

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